Tedius Matsito Apologizes to Mentor Alick Macheso[Image Credit: Facebook]

Tedius Matsito Jr Apologizes to Mentor Alick Macheso

Tedius Matsito Jr, son of the late Ngwenya Brothers frontman Tedius Matsito, publicly expressed his remorse (apologizes)  to Alick Macheso, his mentor, for his previous inappropriate conduct at Jongwe Corner.

Macheso’s Support and Guidance

Ba Shero and Mai Shero

When Matsito Jr.’s father passed away in 2009, Baba Shero took him under his wing, not only providing guidance but also teaching him how to play the guitar. Macheso’s wife, Nyadzisai Macheso, treated Matsito Jr. as her own son, ensuring he was cared for alongside their own sons.

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A Troubled Soul’s Betrayal & Public Apology

Tedius Matsito Jr

Despite the support he received, Matsito Jr. later found himself entangled in troublesome behavior, ultimately betraying the very person who had nurtured him. Last Sunday, Matsito Junior took to the stage during one of Ba Shero’s performances and publicly apologized for his actions, seeking forgiveness.

Matsito Jr.’s Apology & Ba Shero’s Response

In his apology, Matsito Jr. acknowledged Ba Shero’s fatherly care and expressed deep regret for betraying him. He emphasized his indebtedness and sincerely asked for forgiveness, recognizing his own misconduct.

Macheso, while disappointed by Matsito Jr.’s past behavior, revealed that he would continue to support him, emphasizing the reason for allowing him on stage.

ALSO READ: From Tragedy to Triumph: Alick Macheso’s Emotional Birthday Message Uncovers Ba Shero’s Heartbreaking Past!!

Ba Shero’s Role as a Mentor

Alick has a reputation for assisting the sons of late music legends. He played a pivotal role in the revival of Leonard Dembo’s band through his support of Morgan and Tendai Dembo. Tendai, in fact, resided with Ba Shero and honed his guitar skills under his guidance. Tryson Chimbetu, son of the late Marxist Brothers co-founder Naison, also benefited from Ba Shero’s mentorship.

Ba Shero’s Commitment to Helping Others

Ba Shero doing Charity Work

Alick acknowledges that his success was not achieved without the sacrifices of others, and he feels a strong sense of obligation to assist aspiring musicians and make a positive impact on their careers.


Matsito Junior’s public apology shines a light on the power of forgiveness and redemption, as well as the enduring commitment of mentors like Alick Macheso to guide and uplift aspiring artists.