Shadaya Takes a Jab at Sir Wicknell Chivayo After Wife Sonja Breaks Silence About Breakup[Image Credit: Facebook]

Shadaya Takes a Jab at Sir Wicknell Chivayo After Wife Sonja Breaks Silence About Breakup

Shadaya, a self-proclaimed alpha male, takes a jab at Sir Wicknell Chivayo after his wife, Sonja, publicly announced their breakup, coinciding with rumors of her husband dating a South African slay queen, Mihlali Ndamase.

Sonja’s Confirmation and Appreciation

Sonja expressed gratitude to those concerned about the alleged affair of her husband and the South African slay queen. She urged them to allow Wicknell the freedom to embrace his life as a single man while confirming their divorce.

In the video, Sonja unequivocally stated, “Myself and Wicknell are no longer together. We haven’t been together for a while.” 

ALSO READ: Sir Wicknell’s Explosive Facebook Post Sends Shockwaves Across the Internet

Wicknell’s Denial and Unintentional Revelation

Contrary to the rumors, Wicknell vehemently denied dating Mihlali, emphasizing that he had no prior knowledge of her before the allegations emerged. However, a surprising twist occurred when Wicknell inadvertently disclosed the adverse effects of the affair rumors. On his Instagram stories, he acknowledged that the allegations had caused women he was interested in to distance themselves, fearing social media scrutiny.

Shadaya’s Response and Money’s Role

Not long after the news broke, Shadaya seized the opportunity to troll Wicknell. Taking to Facebook, he made a point about his teachings on money and relationships, stating, “Can we now agree, money can’t keep a woman.” Shadaya’s statement alluded to the notion that financial wealth alone is not enough to maintain a romantic connection.

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Wicknell’s Flashy Offerings and Shadaya’s Rejection

Chivayo’s recent trend of gifting flashy cars to musicians who openly support the ruling party caught attention. He even extended an offer to Shadaya, presenting a Toyota Aqua.

ALSO READ: Emojis Speak Louder Than Words: Shadaya Dismisses Sir Wicknell Chivayo’s Toyota Aqua Offer

However, Shadaya declined the gift, likening the male celebrities receiving cars to a male version of slay queens, emphatically rejecting the notion.