Desperate Widow Falls Prey to Cunning Teenage Witch Doctor (18)Image by <a href="">Lynn Greyling</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Sangoma Attacks Best Friend After Finding Him in Bed with Wife

A shocking incident occurred in Fox Farm, Glendale, Mashonaland Central province, when a sangoma (traditional healer), Prince Chauruka (24), caught his wife Petronella Ngulube cheating on him with his best friend Trymore Kademaunga.

B-Metro reports that upon discovering the affair, Chauruka allegedly attacked Kademaunga with a water glass, causing a deep cut to the head. The victim was taken to Concession Hospital for medical treatment.

Caught in the Act

Chauruka’s world came crashing down when he discovered his best friend, Trymore Kademaunga, in bed with his wife Petronella Ngulube. Chauruka, who has two wives, arrived at Petronella’s house early in the morning of May 2nd. To his horror, he found Kademaunga in bed with her.

Kademaunga attempted to flee the scene but was quickly caught by a distraught Chauruka, who then hit him with a water glass. Kademaunga sustained a deep cut on the head and was rushed to Concession Hospital for medical attention.

Desperate Widow Falls Prey to Cunning Teenage Witch Doctor (18)
Image by Lynn Greyling from Pixabay

Court Proceedings

The matter was reported to the police, leading to Chauruka’s arrest. He was charged with assault as defined in Section 89 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23.

He pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment. Six months of the sentence were suspended for five years on the condition that he not commit any similar offence during that period. The remaining six months were suspended on the condition that he completes 210 hours of community service at Glendale Government Offices.

As he appealed for leniency, the Sangoma told the court,

“I am a traditional healer and I have two wives and each has got two children.

“I got angry after I found the complainant stark naked in bed with one of my wives. The complainant is my friend. I hit him with a water glass and I am sorry for my actions.” 

Precious Khanye appeared for the State.

Dating Sangomas

According to tradition, those who date or marry sangomas should be cautious as they are believed to have spiritual powers to detect infidelity. In this case, Chauruka’s muthi was apparently unable to protect him from his wife’s affair.