Polygamous Gokwe Man Scalded by First Wife with Boiling Water After Affair Dispute[Image Credit: Facebook]

Polygamous Gokwe Man Scalded by First Wife with Boiling Water After Affair Dispute

Edmore Zvakare, a polygamous man from Gokwe, is currently recovering from severe burns after being scalded by his first wife with boiling water following an affair dispute.

The Accusations That Led to The Confrontation

The dispute unfolded as Zvekare accused his nephew of engaging in an illicit relationship with Vaidah, his first wife. Tensions escalated between Zvekare and his nephew, leading to a confrontation that took a violent turn.

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The Scalding Act

During the altercation, Vaidah stepped in to intervene, but the situation quickly spiraled out of control. In an act of self-defense, Vaidah resorted to extreme measures and splashed boiling water on her husband, causing him severe injuries.

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Husband’s Stance on the Case

The husband has decided not to pursue legal action against his wife. When approached for comment, he expressed his desire for reconciliation rather than seeking justice.

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“Yes, she scalded me, but I still love her. I don’t want her to be prosecuted. I only need her to cover my medical expenses as I seek treatment,” stated Zvakare.

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Unveiling a Troubled Dynamic

Sources close to the couple shed light on their tumultuous relationship, revealing that Zvekare has a history of physical abuse towards his wife. This context provides some understanding as to why he opted against pressing charges.

“He frequently beats her, which explains his reluctance to involve the authorities,” stated the source. “While he is not interested in legal action, the injuries he sustained from the scalding are quite severe.”