Harare Monster Father Sentenced for Molesting His Own 18-Year-Old DaughterImage Credit: iStock]

94-Year-Old Grandfather Faces Court for Molesting His 13-Year-Old Granddaughter

A 94-year-old grandfather appeared in court for allegedly molesting his 13-year-old granddaughter. The grandfather had been living with the young girl since she was eight years old.

Undercover of Darkness

According to court proceedings at Inyathi Magistrates’ Court, it is alleged that the grandfather would stealthily leave his snoring wife in their bedroom during the night. He would then enter his granddaughter’s room, subjecting her to repeated sexual abuse over a period of almost four years.

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Facing the Consequences & Awaiting Trial

The accused was charged with rape but was not required to enter a plea. During the hearing, the grandfather spoke only to confirm his name and the charges against him.

Following the court appearance, the accused was remanded in custody until February 20. Subsequently, he will be transferred to the Bulawayo regional court to face trial.

A Catalog of Abuse

It is alleged that the accused began his heinous acts in January 2020, waking up during the night and sneaking into the minor’s bedroom. There, he would engage in inappropriate touching, fondling her breasts and intimate areas before proceeding to sexually assault her.

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The Deceptive Ruse

Upon returning to his bedroom, the grandfather would concoct a false explanation, informing his wife that he had merely gone to the toilet. To ensure the minor’s silence, he resorted to manipulating her with money and occasionally sweets, as sickening attempts to buy her compliance.

A Disturbing Revelation

The young girl, burdened by the traumatic ordeal, struggled to keep her secret hidden. However, as her abdomen began to swell, raising her grandmother’s suspicions, she could no longer conceal the truth. The minor eventually confided in her elderly grandmother, disclosing the abhorrent truth.

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Justice Sought

Appalled and deeply concerned for her granddaughter’s well-being, the elderly woman promptly reported the matter to the police, leading to the arrest of the accused.