Ndine Vana Musango: Truck Driver's Eight Children Stir Up Storm in Maintenance War with Ex-Wife[Image Credit: VisaPlace]

Ndine Vana Musango: Truck Driver’s Eight Children Stir Up Storm in Maintenance War with Ex-Wife

A truck driver finds himself entangled in a maintenance dispute as he claims to have eight other children, while his ex-wife insists he only has two additional offspring. The case unfolds in court as Anesu Wasarakunze demands US$170 in maintenance. She is accusing Munyaradzi Chinodewa of neglecting their children.

Claims and Counterclaims

In a surprising turn of events, Munyaradzi defends himself by stating that he promptly sends money whenever Anesu requests it. He asserts that he is a responsible father, highlighting that he has eight children. Munyaradzi said he earns a modest income of US$50 per trip, averaging two trips per month.

However, Anesu refutes Munyaradzi’s account, asserting that he is being dishonest about the number of children he has. She simply wants him to fulfill his parental responsibilities and support their children’s well-being.

“He only has two other kids. I just want him to take care of his kids. Their fees are US$25 per term each and he has only paid fees once I have the receipts as evidence,” said Anesu.

Anesu presents evidence in the form of receipts, demonstrating that Munyaradzi has only paid fees once, despite the US$25-per-term fee for each child.

The Court’s Verdict

Magistrate Ayanda Dlamini presides over the case and makes a ruling, reported hmetro. Considering the evidence presented, the magistrate orders Munyaradzi to pay US$40 for maintenance and fees directly to the school, ensuring the children’s educational expenses are covered.

In conclusion, the maintenance battle between Munyaradzi and Anesu unfolds, exposing a dispute over the number of children involved. While Munyaradzi claims to have eight additional offspring, Anesu maintains that he only has two. The court’s decision ultimately holds Munyaradzi accountable for paying maintenance and school fees directly to the educational institution, ensuring the children’s welfare and education are prioritized.