Mysterious Death at Lodge: Bulawayo Man Found Dead Hanging from Lodge's Roof[Image Credit: Warrenlodge]

Mysterious Death at Lodge: Bulawayo Man Found Dead Hanging from Lodge’s Roof

A man from Bulawayo was found dead, hanging from the roof trusses at a lodge, with two gunshot wounds to the head.

The police were alerted to the scene following reports that the man had expressed intentions of ending his own life.

Confirmation and Community Support

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the tragic event. In response, he urged individuals facing difficult situations to seek counseling and support from trusted third parties such as pastors, community elders, or the Victim Friendly Unit (VFU) within the police department.

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The Disturbing Sequence of Events

According to a source close to the incident, Nicolle William allegedly contacted the lodge manager last Thursday, conveying information that the deceased, James Rory (39), had made a reservation at the lodge with the intention of committing suicide.

A Gruesome Discovery

Acting on the tip-off, the lodge manager proceeded to the room booked by James Rory. To their horror, they found the door locked. Subsequently, the manager provided spare keys to a subordinate, and together they confronted a chilling sight.

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A Life Cut Short

Upon entering the room, they discovered James Rory’s lifeless body hanging from the roof truss, blood flowing from his head. A more harrowing revelation followed: two gunshot wounds were visible on his head. During a search of his pockets, a pistol was recovered as well.

Police Alerted & Unreachable Comment

The police were immediately notified of the tragic incident, and an investigation is currently underway to ascertain the circumstances surrounding James Rory’s untimely demise. Efforts to obtain a comment from Nicolle William, the individual who reportedly alerted the lodge manager about James Rory’s suicidal intentions, proved unsuccessful.