Chitungwiza Butcher Arrested for Molesting and Impregnating 12-Year-Old Girl[Image Credit: Facebook]

Chitungwiza Butcher Arrested for Molesting and Impregnating 12-Year-Old Girl

A Chitungwiza butcher man, Farai Chezhira, aged 27 from Unit O in Seke has been arrested for allegedly molesting and impregnating a 12-year-old girl.

Deceptive Encounter Leads to Tragedy

According to reports, Chezhira enticed the Grade 6 girl into his room at Big-H Butchery in September of the previous year, where he carried out the assault.

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Disturbing Discovery Prompts Police Intervention

The girl’s grandmother grew concerned when she noticed her granddaughter’s pregnancy on February 6 and promptly reported the abuse to the police.

A Trail of Abuse Unveiled

During the investigation, it was revealed that Farai had been subjecting the girl to abuse for several months prior to the discovery.

The Tragic Encounter

Harare provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, provided details of the incident. He stated that in September of last year, around 2 p.m., the girl was sent to Unit O Shopping Centre to purchase eggs. It was there that she encountered Farai, who lured her into his butchery.

The Molest and Threats

Once inside a room behind the butchery, the accused allegedly raped the victim without protection. He then threatened her life if she were to disclose the abuse to anyone.

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A Grim Revelation

The girl’s grandmother noticed her pregnancy, leading to her immediate escort to Edith Cooperman Clinic in Mbare. The medical examination confirmed her pregnancy and subsequently led to the arrest of the suspect.

A Disturbing Pattern

The sexual abuse of underage girls has become alarmingly prevalent, necessitating urgent and comprehensive action. It is now distressingly common for older men to exploit and impregnate young girls.

Recent Tragedies and Hidden Pervasion

Just two weeks ago, Tatenda Zhanje was arrested following the death of 16-year-old Yeukai Dandara after giving birth to twins. Disturbingly, it was revealed that Tatenda had been sexually preying on his niece since she was 15 in Murehwa.