CCC MPs Protest in Parliament Slamming Speaker Mudenda For Recalling 15 MPs[Image Credit: X]

CCC MPs Protest in Parliament Slamming Speaker Mudenda For Recalling 15 MPs

CCC MPs demonstrated today in parliament, protesting against Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Mudenda recalling 15 party MPs. The decision was made based on a letter from self-imposed CCC Secretary General, Sengozo Tshabangu.

Letter Claims MPs and Councillors No Longer Belong to CCC

Sengeze Tshabangu

Tshabangu’s letter stated that the 15 MPs and 17 councillors mentioned had ceased to be members of themain opposition party. However, Chamisa’s party spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi refuted the claim, asserting that Tshabangu is not a CCC member.

ALSO READ: CCC Activist Madzibaba VeShanduko Freed From Remand

CCC MPs Stage Protest, Police Called to Evict Them

Following Mudenda’s recall of the 15 MPs, Chamisa’s MPs staged a protest within the parliament. The situation escalated, leading to the involvement of the ZRP to evict the protesting MPs. Initial attempts proved unsuccessful, necessitating a more forceful approach.

ALSO READ: Bulawayo CCC Councillors Set to Rebel, Defying Chamisa’s Chosen Mayor David Coltart

Mtetwa Joins Solo Demonstration

Beatrice Mtetwa’s Solo Demo

Reacting to the recall of CCC MPs, a prominent Zimbabwe human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa, staged a solo demo. She was holding a placard written, “Tshabangu #RESPECTOURVOTE”. Mtetwa’s solo demo further questioned Tshabangu’s legitimacy as Secretary General.

Allegations of Constitutional Violation and Impersonation

Siphosami Malunga

Another Zimbabwean human rights lawyer, Siphosami Malunga, accused the Speaker of violating the national constitution. Malunga claimed that Mudenda facilitated the recall of the 15 main opposition CCC MPs without following proper procedures, allegedly at the request of an “impostor” interim Secretary-General, Songezo Tshabangu.


Speaker Mudenda’s recent recall of opposition members from parliament is not an isolated incident. Back in 2020, he also recalled MDC A MPs, citing adherence to the constitution as the reason for his actions.

The recall has sparked controversy and raised questions about the legitimacy of Secretary General, Sengozo Tshabangu.