Bulawayo Polytechnic College's Deputy Chef Nabbed and Fined US$50 for College Grocery Theft[Image Credit: Facebook]

Bulawayo Polytechnic College’s Deputy Chef Nabbed and Fined US$50 for College Grocery Theft

A deputy chef at Bulawayo Polytechnic College, Thandiwe Siyakaka (41), received a favorable sentence of paying US$50 for college grocery theft. The magistrate, Ernest Muzembi, offered her the option of paying a fine of US$50 and a wholly suspended three-month jail term.

Guilty Plea and Fine Imposed

Appearing before Bulawayo magistrate, the deputy chef pleaded guilty to the theft charge. As a result, she was fined US$50, with the payment due by 15 March. Failure to pay the fine would result in a 30-day jail term.

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Suspended Sentence and Conditions

[Image Credit: iStock]
The three-month jail term was fully suspended on the condition that Siyakaka does not commit a similar offense within the next three years. This lenient sentence reflects the magistrate’s recognition of Siyakaka as a first-time offender who cooperated by pleading guilty, thus saving the court valuable time.

Remorse and Mitigating Factors

During the mitigation process, Siyakaka expressed genuine remorse for her actions. The court took this into account when determining the sentence. Additionally, the recovery of all stolen groceries played a significant role as a mitigating factor, ultimately leading to the imposition of a more lenient penalty.

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Theft Incidents Uncovered

According to court testimonies, a college security guard witnessed a staff member loading groceries, including 10kg of rice, 1kg of chunks, and 2 liters of cooking oil, into his car. The staff member then delivered the stolen goods to Siyakaka’s residence.

Apprehension and Legal Proceedings

Siyakaka was apprehended while receiving the stolen goods, which led to her subsequent arrest and appearance in court. The evidence presented during the trial solidified her guilt in the eyes of the law.