Zulu King Introduces Bold Move to End GBV: Reduce Lobola Payments for Good![Image Credit: The Citizen]

Zulu King Introduces Bold Move to End GBV: Reduce Lobola Payments for Good!

Zulu King Misuzulu kaZwelithini pledges to reduce lobola payments if men do better in the fight against gender-based violence (GBV) against women and children. The King was the keynote speaker at the second annual National Men’s Day against GBV at King Zwelithini Stadium in Umlazi.

King Misuzulu’s Plea to Zulu Men

The event aims to encourage men to play an active role in the fight against GBV. GBV has been described as the second pandemic in the country. King Misuzulu implored Zulu men to stand and be counted in the fight against abuse of women and children.

Misuzulu urged the Zulu nation to lead with respect. He emphasized that respect is a must in the Zulu culture, for a home or a nation to thrive. The king provided an incentive for Zulu men to fight this scourge as well as increase marriages in the nation by discussing reducing cows for lobola.

Reducing Cows for Lobola

“We can’t discuss that while we have these challenges. I don’t know if this is because of Covid-19, but we have fewer marriages these days and more cases of abuse. We can fight this,” he said.

Deputy Minister of Health, Sibongiseni Dhlomo, called for unity in the fight against GBV, reported hmetro. She compared it to the country’s efforts against Covid-19. Minister in the Presidency responsible for Women, Youth, and People Living with Disabilities, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, expressed her concern over the high femicide rate and rape cases against women and children in South Africa.

Banishing Abusive Men

She pleaded with traditional leaders to banish men who are found to have been abusive towards women and children. She believes that the fight against GBV starts with not being tolerant of violent crime in society.