Wellington Mpandare, Warriors Team Manager, Targeted in Fraudulent Scheme[Image Credit: Newsday]

Wellington Mpandare, Warriors Team Manager, Targeted in Fraudulent Scheme

Zimbabwe National team (Warriors) manager, Wellington Mpandare, fell victim to a fraudulent scheme that resulted in the loss of nearly $5,000. Nathan Mudzonga and Nathaniel Torani, the two individuals responsible for the deception, appeared in a Harare court and were released on $100 bail each.

Mpandare’s Vehicle Stripped and Sold for Personal Gain

The court proceedings revealed that Mudzonga approached Mpandare in August 2017, offering to sell him an engine for his BMW. He claimed that the engine he had was in better condition than the one currently in Mpandare’s vehicle. Trusting the offer, Mpandare paid a $500 deposit. In Mpandare pay additional $700 for the necessary parts to fix the engine.

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False Promises and Betrayal

Mpandare handed over his BMW 525 to Mudzonga, who assured him that he would promptly install the engine. However, it is alleged that Mudzonga conspired with Torani and dismantled the vehicle, selling its parts for personal profit. When Mpandare demanded the return of his car, the two perpetrators continuously made false promises. These false promises led Warriors manager to report the matter to the police.

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Recovery of Evidence and Car Valuation

Law enforcement authorities were able to recover the stripped shell of Mpandare’s vehicle. Stripped shell are currently being held as evidence in the case. The car, valued at $4,700, serves as a testament to the extent of the deception and the financial loss suffered by Mpandare.

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Mpandare’s unjust experience, while tirelessly working to restore the national team’s international standing after a ban, is disheartening. As investigations continue, Mudzonga and Torani were granted bail, each required to pay a $100 fee.