Two Harare Real Estate Agents in Court for Defrauding Home Seeker of US$198K[Image Credit: Herald]

Two Harare Real Estate Agents in Court for Defrauding Home Seeker of US$198K

Two Harare men posing as real estate agents appeared in court yesterday, accused of defrauding a home seeker of a staggering US$198K. Michael Makata (47) and Wonder Sande (67) stood before Harare magistrate Mr. Dennis Mangosi, facing charges of fraud.

Deceptive Plot Unveiled

[Image Credit: Classimart]
According to the prosecution led by Mr. Rufaro Chonzi, the fraudulent scheme unfolded between January 2023 and April 2023, targeting the complainant, Amos Mupuri. Makata approached Sande, presenting a residential stand in Pomona, Borrowdale, supposedly available for sale.

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Fabricated Deeds of Transfer

Makata and Sande allegedly conspired to deceive Mupuri, with Makata proposing that the stand be registered in Sande’s name for the purpose of defrauding the unsuspecting buyer. Subsequently, Makata forged a fraudulent deed of transfer, numbered 5087/2018 and dated 11/09/18, which they presented to Mupuri.

Financial Loss and Cover-Up

As a result of the elaborate ruse, Mupuri made payments totaling US$95,000 in installments toward the purchase of stand number 570 in Pomona, Borrowdale, Harare. The duo would frequently collect cash from Mupuri, attempting to conceal their fraudulent activities.

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To further mask their deceit, Makata and Sande convinced Mupuri to engage their own legal practitioner for conveyancing purposes after paying an additional US$5,600. A fraudulent deed of transfer, numbered 2848/2023, was issued as part of the cover-up.

Detection and Arrest

[Image Credit: Herald]
The crime began to unravel when Mupuri discovered that someone else was laying claim to the residential stand he believed he had legitimately purchased from Makata. Suspecting foul play, he sought verification of the authenticity of deed transfer number 2848/2023, only to discover it was counterfeit.

On January 21, 2024, Mupuri took immediate action, alerting the police after encountering Makata and Sande. This led to the arrest of the duo, but unfortunately, none of the defrauded funds were recovered. Mupuri suffered an actual loss of US$100,600.