Shocking: Lawrencedale Primary School Teacher accused of assaulting student causing spinal cord injuryImage Credit: Manicapost

Shocking: Lawrencedale Primary School Teacher accused of assaulting student causing spinal cord injury

A 14-year-old student at Lawrencedale Primary School in Headlands, Zimbabwe, was allegedly assaulted by her teacher, causing two of her spinal cord joints to dislocate. The victim started bleeding from her private parts and still has trouble sitting or walking. She was treated at Rusape General Hospital, where a medical report confirmed the spinal dislocation.

The Incident

The incident has sparked outrage among Makoni villagers who are demanding justice for the student, reported Manicapost. The victim’s mother accused the school headmaster and teacher of trying to cover up the issue. The teacher allegedly used an 18-inch hosepipe with a stick inside to assault the pupil while pinning her on a wooden chair.

“She assaulted my child while pinning her from the waist upwards on the chair, her own legs were in a locking position on my child’s legs. She beat her on the back until my child was having trouble standing or sitting up,” stated the mother.

Mother to the Student, Reports the Incident

The victim’s mother reported the incident to the police, who advised her to take the child to the hospital first. She said her daughter is still in pain and can only sleep on her stomach. Although the teacher apologized and gave her US$20 for scans, the victim is now being victimized by teachers. They are accuse her of trying to get the accused teacher fired.

Manicaland’s Provincial Education Director, Mr Edward Shumba, confirmed the incident and said the teacher has already been charged by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education and awaits a disciplinary hearing. If found guilty, the teacher will either be made to pay a fine or face other disciplinary action.

Corporal punishment was outlawed in 2017 through a High Court ruling. The victim’s mother has called for justice for her daughter, who remains in pain and is being victimized at school.