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Murewa Man Goes On The Run After Killing Elderly Boss (81) For Trying To Sleep With Him


A man from Murewa is currently on the run after allegedly killing his 81-year-old boss, Murambiwa Makuwe, with a hoe and log. The man, Antony Chipanda, confessed to the victim’s daughter that he killed her father because he allegedly tried to sleep with and sodomise him.


Self Defence or Murder?

The incident has sparked a debate over whether Chipanda acted in self-defence or committed murder. According to sources close to Chipanda, the elderly boss had made sexual advances on him before, which Chipanda had rebuffed. On the day of the incident, the boss allegedly made another sexual advance on Chipanda, who then retaliated with a hoe and log.

Police are appealing for information that may lead to Chipanda’s arrest. The police released a statement saying,

“The suspect allegedly confessed to the victim’s daughter that he killed her father because he allegedly tried to sodomise him. Anyone with information to report at any nearest Police Station.”

In the meantime, the victim’s family is mourning the loss of their loved one. The family described Makuwe as a kind-hearted man who treated his employees well.

“He was a good man. He didn’t deserve to die like this,” said one family member.


Going On The Run

The incident has caused fear and panic in the community. Some people are worried about their safety, while others are concerned about the whereabouts of Chipanda.

“He could be anywhere. We don’t know what he is capable of,” said one community member.

Another community member added, “We need to find him before he hurts anyone else.”


The case of Antony Chipanda has raised important questions about self-defence and murder. While the police continue their search for him, the community is left to wonder what will happen next.

“Let’s hope the police find him soon before anyone else gets hurt,” said one community member.