Outrageous Inter Africa Incident: Woman Claims Huge Python as Ancestor's GiftImage Credit: Bmetro

Outrageous Inter Africa Incident: Woman Claims Huge Python as Ancestor’s Gift

Passengers aboard an Inter-Africa Bus traveling from Zvishavane to Gwanda were left stunned when a woman demanded that the bus be stopped so she could take an injured python that had been run over by the bus. The incident happened on Monday evening, just after the Mimosa Mining Company turn-off. The woman was accompanied by a middle-aged man who tried to grab the python’s tail.

Woman claims python is a gift from her ancestors

The unidentified woman cried out while begging onlookers not to kill the reptile or drive it away so she could put it in a sack. She claimed that the python was a gift from her ancestors. The woman claimed that she was the one supposed to take care of it. Bmetro reported that, the woman also performed ritualistic gestures while kneeling close to the reptile.

Altercation ensues when onlookers question the woman and man’s intentions

Chaos erupted when the man attempted to put the python in a sack. Onlookers who had fled from the scene returned to confront him. They demanded to know what the duo wanted to do with the reptile and some even asked for money in exchange for letting them take it. A violent altercation ensued, and one onlooker grabbed the python and ran away with it into the bush.

Pythons are a protected species in Zimbabwe

It’s important to note that pythons are a protected species in Zimbabwe, and killing them attracts a heavy sentence. It’s unclear what happened to the python after the altercation, and the woman and man were still pleading with the onlooker to return the python when the reporter left the scene.