Man City Fan Flees After Viciously Assaulting Own Brother Over Liverpool and Manchester City Result[Image Credit: Facebook]

Man City Fan Flees After Viciously Assaulting Own Brother Over Liverpool and Manchester City Result

A Manchester City fan is currently on the run after allegedly fatally assaulting his own brother following a heated argument over the result of the match between Liverpool and Manchester City. The incident resulted in the death of Edmore Mhike (26).

Sibling Discord Turning Deadly

The fatal assault occurred when Peter Mhike (22), struck his brother Edmore on the head with a stone during a quarrel. The altercation arose after Peter engaged in a dispute with Joakim Moyo over the outcome of the derby match, in which Liverpool was playing against Manchester City.

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Unraveling the Tragic Sequence of Events

According to police reports, the argument between Joakim and Peter escalated as they debated the match’s outcome. Joakim allegedly claimed that Liverpool had the upper hand, provoking Peter, a staunch Manchester City supporter, who retaliated by throwing stones at Joakim.

Intervention Turns Fatal

In an attempt to deescalate the situation, Edmore intervened and prevented his brother, Peter from further assaulting Joakim. Unfortunately, this intervention triggered Peter’s anger, leading him to redirect his aggression towards his own brother.

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A Deadly Blow

Further investigations revealed that during the ensuing altercation, Edmore picked up a wooden bench to defend himself against Peter’s aggression. In response, Peter grabbed a stone and struck his brother on the head, causing instantaneous death.

Police Response and Initial Findings

Upon receiving a report of the incident, local police promptly arrived at the scene. They discovered Edmore Mhike with a swollen face and blood flowing from his head, confirming the tragic outcome of the assault.

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Hunt for the Fugitive

Following the incident, Peter Mhike immediately went into hiding, evading arrest by authorities. Law enforcement agencies are actively searching for him to bring him to justice for the alleged murder of his brother.