Love Triangle Escalates into Terrifying Witchcraft Plot: Bulawayo Woman's Underwear Stolen by Boyfriend's Jealous Lover[Image Credit: B-Metro]

Love Triangle Escalates into Terrifying Witchcraft Plot: Bulawayo Woman’s Underwear Stolen by Boyfriend’s Jealous Lover

A woman from Selborne Park suburb in Bulawayo is living in fear after her underwear was allegedly stolen by her boyfriend’s lover, Nogugu Msimanga, who threatened to “fix” her.

Trap Set

In April, Prudence Moyo discovered that her partner, Honest Nkomo, was cheating on her with Msimanga. Moyo decided to trap them by lying to Nkomo that she wouldn’t come over. Nkomo came along with Msimanga and found Moyo at home reported bmetro.

Insults and Misunderstanding

A misunderstanding arose, and Msimanga started insulting Moyo, claiming that she was not good in bed, which led to the argument lasting so long that the three of them had to sleep in the same room.

Missing Underwear

The next morning, Moyo discovered that her underwear was missing, and she couldn’t find it. She begged Nkomo to ask his lover to return it, but Msimanga denied taking it.

Police Report

In June, Nkomo sent Moyo a screenshot that confirmed that Msimanga had stolen her underwear. Moyo then reported the matter to the police on June 14th. Msimanga admitted to stealing the underwear and returned it to Moyo.

Threats and Fear

In screenshots of the conversation between Msimanga and her unnamed friend, Msimanga stated that she would use the underwear to deal with Moyo. She planned on finding a powerful witchdoctor to “fix” Moyo and her boyfriend.

Living in Fear

Moyo is now living in fear that Msimanga will follow through on her threats and bewitch her. The incident has left her traumatized, and she has burned the stolen underwear to protect herself.


This incident highlights the dangers of infidelity and how it can lead to ugly confrontations.