Holy Ten Conceids DefeatHoly Ten Conceids Defeat, Visits Baby Mama To Hush Things Down [Image: Facebook/Punchstar]

Holy Ten Conceids Defeat Visits Baby Mama To Hush Things Down

Zimbabwean rapper Holy Ten, real name Mukudzeyi Chitsama, yesterday visited his baby mama, Tariro Chelsea, to try and fix their ongoing drama. This comes after Holy Ten allegedly paid $15,000 lobola for his girlfriend, Kimberly Richards, in Bulawayo, unaware of the controversy that would ensue.

Holy Ten Impregnated Baby Mama While Dating His Wife 
Holy Ten Conceids Defeat Visits Baby Mama To Hush Things Down [Image: Facebook/Instagram/Holy Ten]

WhatsApp Chats Hint at Neglect

WhatsApp chats between Holy Ten and Tariro Chelsea were leaked the following day, hinting that Holy Ten was neglecting his responsibilities as a father. In one screenshot, Tariro Chelsea asked Mujaya to buy something for their son, Mufaro, and he accused her of wanting to give their child drugs. In another conversation, Holy Ten explained that he needed to fix some things first before he could be present in his son’s life, promising to return in two months.

Feeling Aggrieved by Holy Ten’s Marriage

Feeling aggrieved by Holy Ten’s marriage, Tariro Chelsea had a call with controversial influencer Tatelicious, who broke the news that Holy Ten has a four-month-old son.

Holy Ten Salutes Fans Amid Drama

The rapper has now visited Tariro Chelsea to try and mend things. A video that trended online showed the rapper leaving his baby mama’s house, with people waiting at the gate to capture videos of him. As people screamed “Hoyoo,” Holy Ten raised his hands and crossed them to salute the fans before storming into his car.


Mixed Reactions from Social Media Users

Social media users shared mixed reactions to the rapper’s visit.


“Winky haatukwe izvezvi wakutanda botso😂


“Ukabvuma kupusiswa unopiwa umwe futi Chelsea zvekumitiswa izvi takuzviziva.”


“so after all Tariro CHELSEA was right ..he went to bribe her.”


“Hapana mutsvene apa ,ko achapinda denga racho ndiani 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Aremerwa nema streets zigwara 🤣🤣🤣🤣 chengeta mwana kwete kumirira kufudzwa.”

By Mandisa