Fake Prophet Exposed: Norton Preacher Beaten After Failed Resurrection Attempt[Image Credit: iStock]

Fake Prophet Exposed: Norton Preacher Beaten After Failed Resurrection Attempt!!

Fake prophet at Tree of Life International Ministries in Norton, attempt to bring a deceased congregant back to life failed, leading to him being thoroughly beaten by mourners. Vincent Nyamadzawo has been forced to relocate after his claims of being able to resurrect the dead were proven to be false.

Failed Resurrection Attempt

Nyamadzawo had prayed for the deceased, Sekuru Fungo, about 30 minutes before his death. He claimed that he was only asleep and he needed two hours to resurrect him. However, his two-hour prayer failed to bring Fungo back to life. This led to his followers abandoning him and his church shutting down, reported hmetro.

“Doctors declared him dead and the relatives were ordered to sign documents for the body to be taken to the mortuary. The prophet ordered the relatives not to sign the papers claiming that he would resurrect him”, stated church elder. “He then started praying for the deceased. He had prayed for him 30 minutes before his death”

Forced to Relocate

Nyamadzawo has packed his property and left for Mvurwi to start afresh after his followers stopped attending his services, citing fake prophecies.

 He was moving around claiming that there were no virgins in the church. It looked like he was looking for virgins in church. He would inbox girls around 12 midnight asking kuti muri mavirgins here,” stated a church congregant. 

Fake Prophecies Exposed

One of the elders from the church condemned Nyamadzawo’s actions, stating that he was making false prophecies and dissing congregants. The church collapsed, and Nyamadzawo was accused of being fake, only interested in making money from his followers.

The church collapsed since he was making fake prophecies and dissing congregants. Pastor ava ndevefake, vanga vauya kuzotsvaga mari kune vanhu,” stated the elder.