Election Bombshell: Harry Peter Wilson's Spectacular Campaign Launch Nobody Showed Up[Image Credit @Laque_davis Twitter]

Election Bombshell: Harry Peter Wilson’s Spectacular Campaign Launch Nobody Showed Up

Harry Peter Wilson, a presidential candidate for the Democratic Opposition Party (DOP), recently launched his 2023 Election Campaign with a massive rally that was attended by no one. This peculiar lack of attendance has raised numerous questions about Wilson’s logic and ambitions. One particular question on everyone’s mind is where Wilson obtained the USD $20,000 required to register his candidacy.

Examining Harry’s History

Harry Peter Wilson, a qualified engineer, is a prominent politician based in Bulawayo. He previously ran as a presidential candidate in the 2018 harmonized elections. Wilson’s political career has been marked by his affiliation with the Democratic Opposition Party (DOP). DOP was formed in the United Kingdom in 2002 during Wilson’s self-imposed exile.

Harry’s Controversial Past

Wilson’s political journey has not been without controversy. In 2005, he faced legal consequences when he was convicted for his involvement in an illegal immigration syndicate. The syndicate, based in London, smuggled at least 150 illegal immigrants from Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Jamaica into the United Kingdom. Wilson was sentenced to 38 months in prison for his crimes.

Furthermore, Wilson faced another conviction for culpable homicide. The case followed a tragic car accident in which his wife lost her life. He was found guilty and fined $10,000, with the option of serving three months in jail if he failed to pay the fine within two weeks.

Wilson’s Ambitions and Vision

Despite his controversial past, Wilson has remained active in politics and continues to campaign for his party’s goals. He has expressed his desire for a more inclusive government, advocating for a Government of National Unity after the general elections. Wilson believes that Zimbabwe’s politics are fractured and that dialogue and alternative perspectives are crucial for progress.

Unanswered Questions Surrounding Wilson’s Campaign Funding

The primary question that continues to intrigue many is the source of the $20,000. While there is no concrete information available about this funding, it is essential to base conclusions on factual evidence and avoid speculation. It remains to be seen how Wilson will address these lingering questions and clarify the origins of his campaign funds.

Reaction From Netizens


Vanhu ava vanenge vachiita seiko I really don’t get it


In a bush behind someone’s house


Where did he get 20k to just throw around?


ZEC needs to be audited, particularly around nomination fees. For all we know, ZanuPF and it’s functionaries don’t pay a dime.


How I wish I had such faith


Apa hapana 20k yakabviswa apa


Is this guy not even embarrassed?


Do these guys actually pay the nomination fees???


So this guy used his personal USD20k, but manages a set-up as pathetic as this…


Haaa 20k here boys 😓😓😢😢

In conclusion, Harry Peter Wilson’s empty campaign launch has sparked curiosity and raised questions about his intentions and the source of his campaign funding.