Comic Pastor Speaks On Wife-Beating Allegations "He Caused My Miscarriage" Comic Pastor's Ex-wife Documents Horrific Abuse She Faced While Married To The Comedian [Image: Comic Pastor and current wife/ Comic Pastor's Ex-wife]

Comic Pastor Speaks On Wife-Beating Allegations 

In a harrowing revelation, the former spouse of the celebrated comedian and social media sensation, Prosper “Comic Pastor” Ngomashi, has come forth with allegations of abuse and torment during the course of their short-lived one-year marriage.

Speaking to H-Metro, the ex-wife, whose wounds still remain unhealed six years after their separation, revealed the trauma and anguish she had endured during her time with the Comic Pastor.

Recalling the torment she had faced, she revealed that the Comic Pastor had subjected her to brutal physical abuse, leaving her with bruises and scars that she still bears to this day. She shared a heart-wrenching incident in which she had suffered a miscarriage due to the physical trauma inflicted upon her.

She also revealed how the Comic Pastor had teamed up with his current wife, Noddy Zizhou, to torment her in every possible way. They had hurled baseless accusations at her, calling her a witch and a barren woman who could not bear children, despite the fact that she now has a three-year-old child with another man. They had even gone to the extent of shoving her into a car and driving to her parents’ house, intending to cause a scene and humiliate her in front of her family and neighbors.

Despite these devastating experiences, the ex-wife clarified that her decision to come forward was not driven by jealousy or any negative emotion but by her deep-rooted desire for justice and closure.

Responding to the allegations, Comic Pastor told state media;

“The only wife I know is Noddy and that’s the only person I am married to. I married my wife six years ago. Uyo handimuzive. If Noddy comes to the media complaining, then I will comment about it. I am currently in England so if Noddy has an issue dai ataura.”

By Mandisa