Bulawayo Pastor's Brutal Beating of Defenseless Naked Sangoma Sparks Outrage[Image Credit: B-Metro]

Bulawayo Pastor’s Brutal Beating of Defenseless Naked Sangoma Sparks Outrage

In Makokoba suburb, residents were shocked when a Bulawayo pastor brutally beat his tenant sangoma, who was naked. The incident occurred due to the tenant playing music too loudly while the pastor conducted a church service.

Clash Over Loud Music

Khumbulani Mzizi, the pastor and founder of Tsime Rase Birthsider, was conducting a church service at his residence when Sikhululiwe Dube, his tenant, played music loudly on her radio. This act of noise disturbance angered Mzizi, who felt it disrupted him and his congregants.

Mzizi then approached Dube, requesting her to lower the volume. However, she allegedly refused to comply. This led to a heated exchange, escalating the situation further. In a fit of anger, Mzizi entered Dube’s room and found her naked, subsequently assaulting her with a walking stick.

Mzizi’s aggression did not stop there. He proceeded to choke Dube and punched her in the forehead. Dube’s cries for help attracted the attention of a neighbor who intervened and restrained Mzizi.

Legal Consequences

Dube, having sustained injuries from the assault, reported the incident to Mzilikazi Police Station, leading to Mzizi’s arrest. He appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Temba Chimiso, where he pleaded guilty to the assault charge.

Magistrate Chimiso handed down a sentence requiring Mzizi to pay a fine of US$200 by September 30th, reported bmetro. Failure to pay would result in a three-month jail term. In addition, Mzizi received a suspended sentence of three months imprisonment, provided he refrains from committing a similar offense within the next five years.

Chimiso criticized Mzizi, highlighting his wrongdoing of physically assaulting a defenseless woman with a weapon.  He emphasized the court’s duty to safeguard vulnerable members from physical abuse by men.
However, the magistrate noted that Mzizi was somewhat fortunate as no medical report was available to assess Dube’s injuries. She refused hospital treatment due to her beliefs.