Bulawayo CCC Councillors Set to Rebel, Defying Chamisa's Chosen Mayor David Coltart[image Credit: The Zimbabwe Mail]

Bulawayo CCC Councillors Set to Rebel, Defying Chamisa’s Chosen Mayor David Coltart

Bulawayo CCC councillors are reportedly planning to defy party leader Advocate Nelson Chamisa’s directive by voting against his endorsed mayoral candidate, David Coltart, and deputy mayoral candidate, Dumisani Nkomo. The move has sparked internal tensions within the party.

Disregarding the Party Directive

Despite Chamisa’s endorsement of Coltart, a lawyer and former minister, for the mayoral position in Bulawayo, and Nkomo, a civil rights campaigner, for the deputy mayoral position, it has been revealed that some councillors are plotting to elect alternative candidates against the party’s wishes.

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The election for the city’s new mayor was initially scheduled to take place after the swearing-in ceremony on Wednesday. However, the local government ministry ordered all councillors to attend an induction meeting in Gweru on Thursday and Friday, resulting in the postponement of the election to Monday.

Behind-the-Scenes Interviews

Senior party officials in Bulawayo conducted interviews with councillors on Wednesday morning. This was to ascertain their preferred mayoral candidates before the swearing-in ceremony, according to reliable sources.

Speaking anonymously, a councillor revealed the plot involving certain external individuals who are allegedly offering substantial sums of money to influence the election process.

Party Spokesperson Sets the Record Straight

CCC national spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi reiterated the party’s stance. He emphasizied that clear guidelines have been provided to Bulawayo regarding the mayoral and deputy mayoral positions. Mkwananzi warned against entertaining any rumors and urged party members to adhere to the party’s guidelines, reported cite.

“As a party, we work with clear guidelines. Bulawayo has been advised accordingly on who will be mayor, and that is David Coltart. He was even endorsed at a rally in the city. As for deputy mayor, the councillors there have been told who has been chosen by the party. Any other rumor will not be entertained and the party members are expected to act according to the guidelines of the party,”  stated Mkwananzi.