Harare Vendors Accuse Municipal Police of Corruption and NegligenceImage Credit-NewsDay

Harare Vendors Demand Designated Vending Points

Vendors in Harare are accusing the municipal police of corruption and the city council of not providing designated vending points or markets for them to sell their goods. This has resulted in vendors being forced to sell their goods in undesignated areas.

Municipal Police Accused of Bribery and Corruption

Due to the lack of designated vending points, vendors are vulnerable to bribery from municipal police officers. The Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Committee has launched an investigation into allegations of bribery made against the municipal police. According to H-Metro, Denford Ngadziore, the committee’s chairperson, stated, “It is alleged that some have been collecting US$20, US$50 up to US$80 bribes from vendors despite the new SMEs policy in place that goods cannot be confiscated from vendors without being recorded.”

Accountability for Confiscated Goods

Ngadziore further stated that all confiscated goods, except perishables, should be accounted for. This comes after complaints from informal traders about the demands for bribes by the municipal police. Keeping track of confiscated goods can help prevent corruption and ensure that confiscated goods are returned to their rightful owners. This type of accountability can also help to build trust between law enforcement and citizens.

Harare’s Vision 2025 and Current Challenges

The mayor of Harare, Jacob Mafume, has expressed concern over the challenges facing the city and their impact on its Vision 2025. Mafume warned that the city’s mission statement “will remain a paper tiger” if the challenges are not addressed. He stressed the need to transform Harare into a world-class city with a well-oiled, coordinated, and functional infrastructure that provides abundant opportunities for its citizens.

Mafume pointed out that the absence of security gadgets such as CCTVs, radio communication, trackers, modern firearms, buses, and lorries is frightening. He also said that the city needs to take advantage of technology to improve its services.

To achieve its Vision 2025, Harare must address its current challenges, including corruption, lack of infrastructure, and poor service delivery. Mafume urged the city council to work towards creating a conducive environment for investment through stakeholder participation and the creation of high-performance teams.