[Image Credit: H-Metro]

Man threatens suicide after mother rejects new wife and her four children


A 23-year-old man, Kudzanai Jekapu, has threatened to commit suicide after his mother, Tracy Jekapu, rejected his proposal to stay with a 35-year-old woman, Masina Magarakanya, and her four children.

The couple eloped last week after they were caught being intimate. However, Kudzanai’s mother, Tracy Jekapu, 43, has been opposed to the relationship and has gone as far as calling Masina a lady of the night.

The couple’s story has caused a stir in the Makori Range area of Mazowe District.


Rejected by his mother

H-Metro reports that Tracy Jekapu has been vehemently against the relationship and has ordered Kudzanai to leave Masina. She claims that Kudzanai has a weakness for older women and has previously been seduced by another older woman known for being a lady of the night.

Tracy has expressed concern for her son’s welfare, saying that he was blinded by Masina and threatened to commit suicide after Tracy confronted him about his relationship with her.

“My son has a soft spot for women older than him and this has affected me and his father. Kwandiri mwana wangu atofa zvake nekuti mudzimai waaroora muchero wemusango uye mukuru kwaari zvakanyanya.

“After confronting Kudzanai for accepting Masina, he threatened to commit suicide.

“We are appealing for help because our son has been blinded by this woman,” said the distraught mom.


When Love Knows No Age: Man (23) Threatens To Commit Suicide After Mom Rejects New Wife (35) And Her 4 Children
Kudzanai Jekapu and his ‘wife’ Masina [Image Credit: H-Metro]

Found love in Masina’s arms

Despite his mother’s opposition, Kudzanai told H-Metro that he had found love in Masina’s arms and wanted to marry her.

He explained that Masina, who separated from her husband in 2007, had been living alone near her brother’s house.

Kudzanai pleaded with Masina’s family for mercy and took her as his wife, but both his parents are not accepting her.

“I was not ready to marry Masina although I found her love comforting. Her brother caught me in her room and forced me to take her as my wife. Out of fear, I pleaded with them for mercy and took Masina, but both my parents are not accepting her. It is my wish to see my mother accepting Masina as their daughter-in-law,” said Kudzanai.

Masina’s perspective

Masina, on the other hand, said,

“I tried to refuse, but my brother told me that Kudzanai had agreed to take me as his wife. My mother-in-law openly warned me about living with Kudzanai, but I have decided to ignore her since her son is a grown-up man who should decide for himself.”

Neighbours criticize Masina

Neighbours have expressed their disapproval of Masina, describing her as a woman of loose morals.

“She is a disgrace to this community. We cannot tolerate such behavior,” said one neighbor.