Drama Over Lorraine Guyo's Valentine's GiftDrama Over Lorraine Guyo's Valentine's Gift (Image Credit: Lorraine Guyo Production-Chihera

Thanks To My Exes, I Got A Car For Valentine’s: Lorraine Guyo

Social media personality and actress Lorraine Guyo has sent an appreciation message to her ex-lovers for leading her to her current boyfriend.

This comes after Guyo received a car as valentine’s gift from her current boyfriend. In videos that circulated on social media, she broke down in disbelief at the unveiling of the gift.

She then later took to Facebook, thanking all her exes for disappointing her.

I would like to thank All my EXs for disappointing me. You really mean a lot to me, guys.

It’s a Valentine’s Day to remember indeed.
So of lately been doing my Photoshoot to Market flowers and clothes for my Valentine’s content.
And last night you decided to give me the surprise of my life. 
Aaaaah guys my photographer can keep secrets ndati iiiiii.

To her unknown boyfriend, she penned a letter appreciating his gift.

“A letter to the one I love-

I had given up on love, but then I met you, and you redefined the word.

You asked me to trust you, and you have proven to be trustworthy indeed.

You claimed to be the game changer, and indeed, you changed the game for me.

You are more than a partner, you are a true blessing. Words will never sum up how much I appreciate you.

This valentine you showed out! This massive gift you’ve given me shows how much you love me, and I thank you for that. It’s not only material but extremely thoughtful, considering all that was happening. I thank you a million times for making me the happiest girl ❤️


a very spoilt & loved girl�” wrote Lorraine Guyo.

Among her exes, the one who is known is fellow socialite Thomas Chazhanje, who dated Guyo shortly after she popped under the spotlight. However, the union was short-lived.



By Mandisa