Self-proclaimed Prophet Arrested For Instructing Younger Brother To Sexually Abuse Minor Girl In Exorcism Ritual
In a shocking revelation that has left the community of Fort Rixon in Matabeleland South Province in dismay, a 42-year-old self-proclaimed prophet has been arrested on allegations of instructing his 17-year-old younger brother to have sex with a 13-year-old girl in a bid to “cleanse” her of evil spirits tormenting her.
Hlabani Mano, who has been charged for playing the role of an accomplice in the sexual abuse of the minor girl, pleaded not guilty before Bulawayo regional magistrate Collet Ncube. However, the evidence presented in court was overwhelmingly against him.

It is reported that the self-styled prophet met the minor girl during a church service last year, where he prophesied that she was being tormented by her late father’s spirit, and it would affect her life.
According to the State’s case, Mano instructed the victim to accompany him to his homestead, where his younger brother was waiting. In a shocking turn of events, Mano ordered the girl to have sexual intercourse with his younger brother, claiming it was part of a three-day cleansing ceremony to do away with the evil spirits.
The victim complied with the order, and after the sexual abuse, Mano threatened to kill her if she told anyone about the incident. The victim’s mother only discovered the incident when the victim missed her menstrual period, and upon interrogation, the victim revealed the ordeal she went through.
This despicable act has left the community of Fort Rixon in shock, and members have expressed their disappointment at the prophet’s actions. Mano has since been remanded in custody until the 14th of March 2023, when he will be sentenced for his actions. The case highlights the need for community members to be vigilant and report any suspected child abuse cases to the relevant authorities. The safety and well-being of minors should be of utmost priority to everyone in society.