Fatal Fasting! Kenya Cultists Starve To Death After "Fasting To Meet Jesus"Police are looking for Pastor Makenzie Nthenge. ( Image: KBC Channel 1/Youtube)

Kenya Cult Leader on the Run After Followers Die from Starvation

A local cult leader in Kenya is on the run after the death of four of his followers, who were instructed to fast in order to “meet Jesus” and achieve spiritual enlightenment. The incident occurred in a forest near Malindi on Kenya’s Indian Ocean coast, where 11 people were rescued and rushed to the hospital. However, police suspect there may be more victims, as they continue their search in the Shakahola forest for a possible mass grave where other cult followers may have been buried.

The police received a tipoff about the cult’s activities, and a report seen by AFP states that “ignorant citizens” were being brainwashed by the suspect, Makenzie Nthenge, a pastor of the Good News International Church. Nthenge had previously been arrested and charged after two children were allegedly starved to death by their parents. However, he was later released on a bond of 100,000 Kenyan shillings (about $740).

The identity of the four dead worshippers has not been released, but seven men and four women between the ages of 17 and 49 were taken to the hospital, with three in critical condition.

Cult Leader Preaches Starvation for Enlightenment

According to AP, Nthenge reportedly instructed his followers to starve themselves in order to “meet Jesus” and achieve spiritual enlightenment, leading to the tragic deaths of four of his followers. A police report states that the cult leader “brainwashed” his followers, who were “ignorant citizens,” into believing that fasting was the path to enlightenment. Nthenge had previously been arrested after two children were allegedly starved to death by their parents, but he was released on bail.

Possible Mass Grave in Shakahola Forest

The investigation continues in the Shakahola forest, where there are fears of more victims. The police report indicates that investigators were unable to locate a suspected mass grave due to the vast area and hostile residents in the forest. It is believed that the forest land belongs to the cult leader, and there may be many victims buried there.

In the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, these cult followers met a fatal end by following their leader’s orders to starve themselves. As the search for more victims continues, it is a stark reminder of the dangers of blindly following charismatic leaders without question.