Family Feud Turns Bloody: Man Cuts Sister-in-Law's Hand With ChainsawImage by <a href="">Stephen Carmichael</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

A family dispute in Harare turned violent when a man allegedly cut off his sister-in-law’s hand with a chainsaw. The shocking incident occurred on April 19, at Lot 12 Spitzrop Farm compound, when Patrick Machowe (45) was cutting down trees using a chainsaw. His sister-in-law, Sharon Mero (52), approached him and asked him not to cut down the trees. But Machowe responded violently, charging at her with the chainsaw and cutting her once on the right hand. The victim sustained a deep cut and was rushed to the hospital.

Court Appearance

The Herald reports that Machowe appeared before Harare magistrate Mrs Letwin Rwodzi over the weekend and was charged with attempted murder. He was remanded on $100 000 bail until May 29. According to the prosecution, the matter was reported to the police, leading to Machowe’s arrest.


Family Feud Turns Bloody: Man Cuts Sister-in-Law's Hand With Chainsaw
Image by Stephen Carmichael from Pixabay

Eyewitness Accounts

A witness who preferred to remain anonymous described the incident as a gruesome scene. “It was horrifying to see someone attacked with a chainsaw. The victim was screaming in agony, and we all rushed to help her,” the witness said. Neighbors expressed their shock and disbelief at the incident, with one saying, “I have never seen anything like this before. It’s sad that people can resort to violence over a disagreement.”

Violent Teenage Brawl

In another incident, three teenagers aged 17, 18, and 19, appeared before magistrate Mr. Dennis Mangosi, charged with murder. The State alleged that on April 20, at Kuwadzana 2 Shopping Centre, the 18-year-old teenager stoned the now deceased with a half brick on the upper back. The other two teenagers forcibly grabbed the now-deceased neck during the fight and exchanged punches with him. The matter has been remanded to June 20.

Authorities’ Response

The authorities have urged people to resolve conflicts amicably and avoid resorting to violence. “Violence is not the solution to disagreements. We need to teach our children that it is essential to communicate and negotiate to find solutions to problems,” said a police spokesperson.