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Bride’s Family Cancels Marriage Moments After Lobola Ceremony After Discovering Son-In-Law Is Not A Virgin

In a shocking turn of events, a Mutasa couple’s dreams of marriage was shattered within minutes of their marriage ceremony soon after the bride’s family discovered that the groom was not a virgin.

Groom Fails Virginity Test

Prince Stefano, a 30-year-old resident of Mandeya Village, believed he had found the love of his life in 21-year-old Chiedza Mudzedze. Having paid a bride price of US$345, he thought their path to matrimony was set. However, the couple’s joy was short-lived when the truth about Stefano’s virginity came to light.

Groom’s Money Down the Drain

Heartbroken and filled with sorrow, Stefano was struggling to accept the unexpected and shocking turn of events. He felt deep anguish over the money he had spent, which now seemed wasted. In his own words, he said, “I paid US$345 as the bride price, as communicated to me. However, they demanded US$800 during the ceremony, which I couldn’t afford.” His lamentations revealed the financial burden that had been unexpectedly placed upon him.

Bride’s Family Speaks Out

According to Manicapost, Chiedza’s family confirmed their refusal to give their blessing to the marriage due to Stefano’s non-virgin status. Chiedza defended her family’s stance, asserting her own value and worth as a virgin bride. “I am worth more than US$345. I deserve someone who has never been with another woman,” she declared. Adding fuel to the fire, Chiedza’s sister criticized Stefano’s disrespectful attire during the lobola ceremony. His choice of ripped jeans, work-suit jacket, and crocs left a sour taste in their mouths, intensifying their disapproval. Moreover, the lack of groceries brought by Stefano’s family further strained the already fragile situation.

Stefano Family Plans to Seek Resolution with Traditional Leadership

Tsitsi Munyebvu Stefano, the aunt of Prince, expressed her family’s intentions to address the issue with the traditional leadership of the area, seeking a resolution to the ongoing dispute. In her candid remarks, she didn’t hold back, referring to the bride’s family as “a family of crooks.” She criticized their lack of transparency, stating, “They should have told us that they had decided otherwise before accepting Prince’s money.”

Tsitsi Munyebvu Stefano further questioned the bride’s family’s judgment, particularly targeting Prince’s choice of attire during the lobola ceremony. She stated, “I don’t know why Prince went for the lobola ceremony while donning a pair of ripped jeans and informal shoes.” Her comments highlighted the tension surrounding the clash of values and the perceived disrespect shown by Prince’s appearance.

Defending Prince’s character, Tsitsi Munyebvu Stefano emphasized that he was a good man who had been caught off guard by unforeseen circumstances. She explained, “He did not know that he had a son until last year when his ex-wife told him. Can that really be held against someone? I do not think so.”

Despite the current conflict, Prince’s aunty expressed a desire for the families involved to find common ground and move forward. She affirmed, “The families should find each other so that we can move forward. We love our daughter-in-law, and I believe she also loves Prince.” Her words conveyed the hope for reconciliation and a resolution that would allow both families to put the past behind them.