Zimbabwean Millionaire Nigel Chanakira Attends Court in Solidarity with Former CCC Senator Jameson Timba

Zimbabwean Millionaire Nigel Chanakira Attends Court in Solidarity with Former CCC Senator Jameson Timba

Millionaire and former Kingdom Bank CEO Nigel Chanakira attended court in solidarity with former CCC senator Jameson Timba and the other 78 activists, who were denied bail for participating in an unlawful gathering.

Charges Against Timba and CCC Activists

Zimbabwean Millionaire Nigel Chanakira Attends Court in Solidarity with Former CCC Senator Jameson Timba

Timba appeared in court facing charges of participating in a gathering with the intent to promote violence. The court heard that on June 16th of this year, Timba and the other 78 CCC activists gathered at his home in Strathaven, holding a meeting. The ZRP police received a tip-off and went on to arrest them for holding an unsanctioned gathering.

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Police Crackdown on CCC Gathering

injured ccc activist at court

According to the police, as they got there, the CCC activists started throwing stones at them and their vehicle. They then called for reinforcements and used tear gas to stop the commotion, leading to the arrest of Timba and his son who were part of the 78 CCC activists. Timba was denied bail and remanded in custody until the 10th of July.

ALSO READ: Jameson Timba and His 79 CCC Activists Appear in Court After ZRP Police Clash

Timba and Co-Accused Denied Bail

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Timba and the other 78 CCC activists were denied bail and remanded in custody until the 10th of July.

“Politician Jameson Timba and his co-accused have been denied bail by the Harare Magistrates’ Court. They were remanded in custody to the 10th of July 2024,” read the NPAZ press statement.

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Chanakira Decries Restricted Access to Court Proceedings

Chanakira took to social media to express his feelings towards the court experience he had when he attended the court in solidarity with Jameson Timba.

“There was heavy police presence this morning. Crowds including friends, relatives and sympathizers were chased away. The Kopje area had loads of cops plus riot police. Court 6 at the magistrates court was barred for entry for the public and they mainly allowed only the legal teams. I personally attended but could not get entry into the courtroom. A few of us made it to the door. #Sad,” stated Chanakira.