"WHO WILL GUARD THE GUARDS?" - Safeguard Security Guard Colludes in High-Profile US$12,000 Theft"WHO WILL GUARD THE GUARDS?" - Safeguard Security Guard Colludes in High-Profile US$12,000 Theft [Image: Safeguard Security]

“WHO WILL GUARD THE GUARDS?” – Safeguard Security Guard Colludes in High-Profile US$12,000 Theft

A recent court case has raised questions about the security of high-value goods, following a daring heist that took place in the upscale Hillcrest suburb. Caston Kuchena, a 42-year-old security guard from the Entumbane suburb and an employee of Safeguard Security, was recently brought before the Bulawayo magistrate, Nomagugu Maphosa, for his alleged involvement in a brazen theft that netted him and his accomplice more than US$12,000.

Kuchena and his partner-in-crime, Calpher Karonga, a 30-year-old resident of Ntabazinduna, reportedly broke into Total Energies, where Kuchena had been assigned as a security guard, after hatching a plan to steal from the establishment. Armed with a one-meter yellow explosive power cord, an explosive fuse, and explosive emulates, the duo allegedly entered the premises after hours, using the ceiling trap door of the restroom at the back of the building to gain access.

"WHO WILL GUARD THE GUARDS?" - Safeguard Security Guard Colludes in High-Profile US$12,000 Theft
“WHO WILL GUARD THE GUARDS?” – Safeguard Security Guard Colludes in High-Profile US$12,000 Theft [Image: Safeguard Security]

Once inside, B-metro reports, the perpetrators used an unknown object to break open the door leading to the other offices before forcing open two other doors, which they would use as an escape route. Using explosives, they were able to blast open the cash box fitted to the wall, making off with US$12,132 and R900 before making their escape. The theft was reportedly heard by security guards from another security company who were on patrol, and they rushed to the scene where they found Kuchena, still wearing his uniform.

The accused attempted to cover up his misdeeds by calling other members of his company, who swiftly reacted by taking Karonga to Hillside Police Station. However, during his interrogation, Karonga implicated Kuchena, leading to his arrest. The police were only able to recover US$165 and R750, leaving the bulk of the stolen money unaccounted for.

Kuchena and Karonga were brought before the court, where they pleaded guilty to the two charges of unlawful entry and theft. They were subsequently remanded in custody for sentencing, raising serious concerns about the safety of valuable goods and the need for greater security measures to be put in place. The case has left many wondering, “who will guard the guards?” and whether more stringent regulations need to be put in place to prevent such incidents from happening again.

By Mandisa