Watch Woman Disciplining Her Husband's Side-chick Woman Disciplining Her Husband's Side-chick 

Watch Woman Disciplining Her Husband’s Side-chick 

A video of a woman giving a thorough beating to her husband’s small house has torched a storm on social media.

In the video, the side chick is seen helplessly pleading for forgiveness as a rain of fists land on her. In the melee, onlookers film the drama unfold

Reacting to the clip, social media users sympathised with the victim of violence writing;

Raymond Makokowe

That woman needs to be caught and face justice and roat in jail

Monica Kunzekweguta

The girl is using condoms, how is she trying to infect your husband? Kuzungaira kwacho so? Dai aigona kudzorerera mai avo need to face her husband.

Ndai Lisa Mawere

Aaaaaah havazivi kurohwa amai avo ndosaka murume wavo achihura tsvee kunetsana nembwa yako munhu nxiiiiiiii rubbish

Click here to watch the video

This comes after audio clips of a woman, only identified as Mai Denzel, confessing her promiscuous behaviour to her husband, Baba Denzel, leaked.

According to the audio clips, Mai Denzel cheated on her husband with two men. She dated her first lover then broke up with him to date his friend. Aggrieved by Mai Denzel’s actions, the jilted lover went to Baba Denzel and let the cat out of the bag. He also forwarded him nude images he had received from Mai Denzel.

After receiving the revelations, Baba Denzel confronted his wife with calmness, and a number of women praised him for this;

Rebecca Mushosho Tagara

Weldone Bba Denzel
Violence haitongi nyaya
Thanks for being so calm
I love the way u handled your issue
Sando dzako

Concillia Ngwaru

Iweee Mai Denzel isu semadzimai tiri kuti varume vashoma munyika iwe biz kutoita 3 kupedzera vamwe iwe uine husband futi I salute your husband for being peaceful Ari mumwe waiiswa demo chairo

Alice Maidei Chingombe

I respect this man respected Hama dzemukadzi akavapira Nyaya , even let her spend the night,panekuwuraya wopindira jere for chihure Che munhu. Or committing suicide. Hmmmmm mapudzi anowira vasina hari shuwa.. #wifematerial ndayitya rwendo runo

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