President Mnangagwa Will Rule Until His Death Uebert Angel SaysPresident Mnangagwa Will Rule Until His Death Uebert Angel Says [cred; Uebert Angel Instagram]

President Mnangagwa Will Rule Until His Death Uebert Angel Says

In a startling revelation, Hubert Mudzanire, popularly known as Uebert Angel, founder of the Spirit Embassy, has made a prophecy regarding the current President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa. In a meeting with Al Jazeera’s undercover reporters, who were posing as gangsters with a whopping sum of black money to be cleaned, Angel made the bold statement that the President will remain in power until his last breath.

Uebert Angel Abusing His Ambassadorial Post To Launder Money

The incident occurred as Angel was allegedly meeting with the undercover reporters for the purpose of money laundering. This has raised eyebrows among the public, given his position as the presidential envoy to the Americas and Europe. The controversial meeting is documented in Episode 01 of Al Jazeera’s documentary, titled Gold Mafia, which was released just yesterday.

President Mnangagwa Will Rule Until His Death Uebert Angel Says
President Mnangagwa Will Rule Until His Death Uebert Angel Says [cred; Uebert Angel Instagram]
Angel, who wields immense power, was allegedly laundering money on behalf of the President, with the latter granting him absolute power to make treaties with other countries without his involvement. The shocking revelation by Angel comes at a time when Zimbabwe is gearing up to hold harmonised elections this year.

Intimate Relationship Between Church & Politics

The relationship between religion and politics in Zimbabwe is deeply intertwined, with the ruling party, ZANU-PF, using religion to gain support and legitimacy. However, there have been instances where religious leaders have spoken out against political oppression and corruption. Unfortunately, the lines between religion and politics are often blurred, with accusations of collusion and exploitation on both sides.

As the public ponders over Angel’s prophecy, one cannot help but wonder about the implications of his statement. Will the President remain in power until his dying breath, or is this just a false prophecy by a religious leader who has been accused of colluding with political figures? Only time will tell.

By Mandisa