Zanu PF Activist Acie Lumumba's Ex-Wife Demands Paternity DNA Test[Images: Facebook/Acie Lumumba & Instagram/Lilian Madyara]

Zanu PF Activist Lumumba in Brutal Custody Battle, Ex-Wife Demands Paternity DNA Test

Acie Lumumba, a well-known Zimbabwean businessman and Zanu PF activist, is embroiled in a bitter custody battle with his ex-wife, Lilian Madyara, over access to their son. Lumumba claims that Madyara is denying him access to his son and is asking him to prove that he is the biological father through a paternity DNA test before allowing him to see the child.

Denial of Access to Child

Lumumba has taken to social media to voice his frustration over the issue. In a recent tweet, he lamented the fact that he has not been able to see his son despite a court order requiring Madyara to allow him access. According to Lumumba, Madyara’s lawyers have told him that they will not comply with the court order.

“I have NOT seen my son yet REGARDLESS of a court order! They said they would bring him to me, I waited all night till morning awake with his balloons, gifts and favourite toy; then they said I can come get him at 10am, he wasn’t there, then they said he is in Shamva at his grandparents’ home, I requested a police officer to escort me, the grandparents said they don’t know my son’s whereabouts; then the police called & they said NO,” Lumumba wrote on Twitter.

Lumumba’s Ex-Wife Madyara Asks for Paternity DNA Test

Lumumba further claims that Madyara is now demanding that he prove that he is the biological father of their son before she allows him access. In a tweet, Lumumba said, “She has now outrageously asked me to prove I’m the biological father through a paternity test đź« .”

This request for a paternity test has left Lumumba feeling frustrated and angry. He has asked Madyara to prove that their son is alive, as he has not been able to see or hear from the child for over 151 days.


Zanu PF Activist Acie Lumumba's Ex-Wife Demands Paternity DNA Test
Zanu PF Activist Acie Lumumba’s Ex-Wife Demands Paternity DNA Test, Denies Him Access to Son

Lawyers Accuse Lumumba of Lying

Despite Lumumba’s claims, some lawyers on social media have accused him of lying about the situation. They argue that no lawyer would advise their client to wilfully violate a court order.

“If you have a court order why are you not reporting her for contempt of court? You have every right to access and if she’s disputing paternity she must prove it but in the meantime you’ll still enjoy access. I’m sure your lawyers have advised you on this,” one Twitter user wrote.

Another Twitter user wrote, “Hapana chokwadi apa, what lawyers would say that? Who ignores a court order?”

Lumumba’s Passionate Stance on Fatherhood

Despite the criticism he has received on social media, Lumumba remains passionate about the issue of fathers’ access to their children. He has vowed to fight for his rights as a father and to continue speaking out on behalf of other fathers who are facing similar challenges.

“I just know that I will be passionate about this subject of fathers and access to their children for the rest of my life,” Lumumba wrote on Twitter.

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