Grieving Mom Uncovers Her Child’s Sinister Double Life: She Was Lesbian, Husband Was Gay
Watch as a grieving mom makes a shocking confession about discovering her late daughter was a lesbian and her husband was gay at her funeral.
Tragic Accident Marred Funeral Proceedings
In the audio, the mother narrated how they got involved in an accident collecting her daughter’s body. Seven people were injured in the crash. At the rural home for burial, they were told by Shylet’s friend to chase away Christian relatives. They were informed that the deceased had joined Majuzi and become a slay queen.
Muzvitarisise kuti vana vadiki vari kuita zvemanjuzu izvozvo are dying at a young age. zvine kakundishamisa, mainini vangu died at 30 hanzi vaitoziikanwa fani muno muharare kwavaigara kukuwadzana uko. pa nhamo pavo pakauya vanhu vanotyiwa and team racho rokuudzirai zvekuita
Chihera Demama Demama:
At least zvikubva kuhama dzacho. Those who know couple iyi vaitaura zvinhu izvi zviriko vanhuwe
Blessing Tania Nerwande:
I don’t know why but I trust it’s true guys vanhu ndozvavarikuita kunze uku for money and firm shem . personally I had my aunt who passed on sometime pakabuda nyaya dzakadayiwo.apa munhu ane atori