Former MP In Court For Sodomising Employee Former MP In Court For Sodomising Employee [Image; H-metro]

Former MP In Court For Sodomising Employee

A former legislator, Tinashe Maduza, has been brought before the courts over allegations of repeated acts of sodomy at gunpoint on a 23-year-old complainant, who was formerly employed by Maduza.

The court heard that the complainant had gone to Maduza’s workplace last year to demand his unpaid wages. Maduza then allegedly took the complainant to a drinking establishment, where he was given a drugged beverage.

The next thing the complainant remembers is waking up in a room at Island Lodge in Belvedere. He discovered that he had been sodomised and that Maduza had left. The accused had reportedly left US$70 on the side table.

Former MP In Court For Sodomising Employee 
Former MP In Court For Sodomising Employee [Image; H-metro]
The complainant called Maduza to demand that he be taken to the hospital, as he was bleeding profusely from his anus. Maduza allegedly sent a taxi to take the young man to a medical practitioner, where he was treated and discharged.

According to H-metro, Maduza also faces charges of robbery and aggravated indecent assault. The State alleges that Maduza and an accomplice, Makosa Mazhilikawo, lured the same complainant to Joina City under the pretext of paying him his outstanding balance. The duo then allegedly forced the complainant to undress and sodomised him.

The victim was then allegedly kidnapped and held against his will overnight. The following day, he was released and reported the incident to the police, leading to the arrest of the accused. A pistol was also reportedly found at Maduza’s residence.

The case continues to shock and appall Zimbabweans, who are calling for swift justice for the victim. The accused remain in custody as the case proceeds.

By Mandisa