Five ways to experience physical pleasure without getting pregnant
Intim.acy is an important aspect of many relationships. However, for those who are not ready to start a family or simply do not want to use contraception, unprotected se_xual activity can pose a risk of pregnancy, there are alternative ways to express physical affection without worrying about unwanted pregnancy. Here are five activities that can be enjoyed without the risk of pregnancy.
Kissing: Kissing is a pleasurable way to express physical affection without the risk of pregnancy. Kissing can range from a simple peck on the lips to a passionate embrace. It is a safe and intimate activity that can be enjoyed without any worries.
Massage: A massage is a great way to show affection and relax at the same time. Massages can be given in a variety of ways, from a gentle caress to a deep tissue massage. They can be enjoyed by both partners and can be a great way to bond.
Mutual mas_turbation: Mutual mast_urbation is a safe way to experience physical pleasure without the risk of pregnancy. It can be enjoyed by both partners and can be a great way to explore each other’s bo_dies.
Oral stim_ulation: Oral stim_ulation is another way to experience physical pleasure without the risk of pregnancy. It can be enjoyed by both partners and can be a great way to increase intimacy.
Dry humping: Dry hum_ping is a physical activity that can be enjoyed without the risk of pregnancy. It involves rubbing against each other with clothes on. This can be a great way to experience physical pleasure without the worry of pregnancy.

In conclusion, there are many alternative ways to enjoy physical intimacy without the risk of pregnancy. Kissing, massage, mutual mas_turbation, oral stimulation, and dry hump_ing are all activities that can be enjoyed without any worries. These activities can increase inti_macy and physical pleasure in a safe and responsible way.