Domboshava Chelsea Fan Beaten for Propositioning Married Woman[image credit: x]

Domboshava Chelsea Fan Beaten for Propositioning Married Woman

A married Chelsea fan from Domboshava has been brutally beaten for proposing a relationship to a married woman.

Chelsea Fan Sends Unwanted Advances

chelsea fan

The incident occurred after the man, who had allegedly obtained the woman’s number from a WhatsApp church group, began sending her love messages. The woman rejected the proposal, but the man continued and insisted on having an illicit affair. Bored with the text, she told her husband about the messages. The husband then asked his wife to invite the man to his house.

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Man Beaten for Sending Explicit Messages

The man, upon seeing the text, replied to the message by sending a picture of his genitalia, citing that he was “in the mood of wanting to satisfy her.” He then went to the house, only to find the woman in the company of her husband and uncles. They started questioning him, asking where he got the gall to come to a married woman’s house. His answers were not satisfactory, leading to him being beaten up.

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Married Woman Records Beating of Chelsea Fan

While the Chelsea fan was being beaten up, the married woman was recording the incident. She was even threatening to reveal the incident to the man’s wife.

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Makazvipira here kuti ndiudze mukadzi wenyu. Handina kukudza kuti ndine murume. Manje inini ndinoranga zvakasiyana nevamwe, ndati kumurai tite zvamaitaura murume wangu akatarisa. Pamwe wangu haagone ka, maindisendera sinhi renyu kuti ndidii?” asked the woman. 

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Haa kunyenga zvako haisi mhosva.


Kķkkkkk munhu akauya ne whatsapp Mwari awe naye


mkadzi anechihure cheku havard


Munofira mahara siyanai zvekudya vanhu vevanhu munoremara fast


Amai ava ndo tsotsi

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