Binga School Closed Over Satanism ScareBinga School Closed Over Satanism Scare [image: B-metro]

Binga School Closed Over Satanism Scare

In what can only be described as an eerie tale, strange occurrences have led to a temporary closure of Manjolo Primary School in Binga, Matabeleland North province. Reports indicate that several pupils had begun behaving oddly, leading parents to suspect Satanism was at play. Screams emanating from classrooms only added to their fears.

Irate parents sought the assistance of the Johane Masowe weChishanu Apostolic sect led by Bulawayo-based prophet Madzibaba Emmanuel Mutumwa. The concerned parents and villagers from surrounding areas came together for a cleansing ceremony to quell the violence on Monday.

Reports suggest that some pupils turned violent and attacked other pupils and teachers, leading to a general sense of unrest. Jennie Mudimba, a parent, said that strange occurrences had become so severe that Madzibaba Mutumwa was the only one who could help. “We want our children to have a peaceful learning environment at the school,” she told B-metro.

Binga School Closed Over Satanism Scare
Binga School Closed Over Satanism Scare [image: B-metro]
It appears that the strange occurrences were causing the children to live in a state of fear. There were new cases of pupils collapsing and falling into trances every day. It was a disturbing situation, and parents were fearing for their children’s safety.

The school was forced to suspend lessons for an exorcism exercise since the attacks were now affecting the whole school. Madzibaba Mutumwa confirmed the incident, saying he was called in to conduct a cleansing ceremony since parents suspected acts of Satanism at the school. Many pupils were falling into a trance-like state while manifesting, with others falling unconscious.

What surprised most parents and teachers was that when the pupils went home, the condition disappeared but recurred once they returned to school. A teacher at the school also confirmed the reports of the Satanism scare and the cleansing exercise. However, they were not authorized to talk to the press.

Several schools across the country have in the past been hit by reports of Satanism, with parents eventually engaging prophets or traditional healers to solve the problem. Despite the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education not responding to questions sent to them by the time of publishing this story, the school’s temporary closure and the subsequent exorcism exercise have left many parents and educators on edge.

By Mandisa