Harare Magistrate Blocks Woman's Stunning Attempt to ~Shield~Protect Boyfriends from Husband's Wrath[Image Credit: H-Metro]

Harare Magistrate Blocks Woman’s Stunning Attempt to ~Shield~Protect Boyfriends from Husband’s Wrath

A Harare magistrate, Sharon Mashavira, has rejected a city woman’s plea to obtain a protection order against her boyfriends. The case unfolded at the Harare Civil Court as Sharon Manangu (22) sought protection from her ex-husband, Raphael Tarisara (48).

Allegations of Fear and Abuse

Sharon presented her case, expressing her deep fear of Raphael due to his history of abuse. She detailed incidents of harassment and assault, citing her desire for protection. In response to her plea, Magistrate Mashavira granted the application by consent, but with a crucial clarification.

Protection Order Limited to Applicant

Magistrate Mashavira emphasized that the protection order was solely intended for Sharon and did not extend to her boyfriends. She informed Sharon that seeking a protection order against her ex-husband for her boyfriends was not permissible under the law. Instead, any individuals facing issues with Raphael should file their own individual applications.

“You can’t seek a protection order against your ex-husband for boyfriends,” said the magistrate. “If they have a problem with Raphael, they can apply for a protection order on their own,” reported hmetro.

Harassment and Threats

Sharon recounted the distressing experiences she endured in the presence of Raphael. She mentioned how he would transform into a violent aggressor whenever he spotted her with her boyfriend. The ongoing belief that they might reconcile added to Sharon’s difficulties, as Raphael continued to insult, harass, and issue death threats. Even her workplace and male friends were not spared from his attacks.

Raphael’s Response

Raphael did not contest the allegations made against him. While acknowledging that Sharon was his wife, he clarified that they were currently living apart.

“She’s my wife although we are currently not staying together,” stated Raphael.

He expressed no objections to the application for a protection order.

Seeking a Peaceful Life

Sharon’s plea for a protection order against Raphael highlights her desperate need for a peaceful existence. Although her request regarding her boyfriends was denied, the granted protection order aims to safeguard Sharon from further harm in her interactions with Raphael.

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