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US$700 000 Well Spent: Wicknell Chivayo Boasts Of Extravagant Rolls Royce Ghost


Wicknell Chivayo, a businessman known for his controversial reputation in Zimbabwe, recently sparked outrage on social media after flaunting his new US$700,000 Rolls Royce Ghost car. While he proudly declared the extravagant purchase as “well spent” on Twitter, many of his followers and other social media users were quick to criticize him for his alleged involvement in fraudulent activities.


Controversial Businessman Flaunts Rolls Royce

In a tweet, Chivayo bragged about the purchase, saying,

“If there’s someone I’m willing to bet on IT’S MYSELF. My 2023 BRAND new ROLLS ROYCE GHOST. You can’t cheat the grind, it knows how much you invested and it won’t give you what you didn’t work for. THIS WAS DEFINITELY LONG OVERDUE but GOD makes no mistakes. 700K USD well spent.”




Chivayo is not new to controversies in Zimbabwe, where he has been accused of corruption and embezzlement of public funds meant for the construction of a solar power plant. According to reports, Chivayo’s company, Intratrek Zimbabwe, was awarded a $172 million tender by the Zimbabwe Power Company to build a solar power plant in Gwanda. However, the project was never completed, and Chivayo was arrested in 2018 on charges of defrauding the government. He was later released on bail, and  he eventually won the case.

Despite his legal troubles, Chivayo has continued to flaunt his wealth on social media, where he has a significant following. His latest post showing off his new Rolls Royce Ghost car attracted over 1,000 comments, with most of them expressing outrage and condemnation.

Negative Reactions To Chivayo’s Boasts

Many Twitter users accused Chivayo of stealing public funds meant for the development of the country’s infrastructure, such as electricity and healthcare. Some also questioned the source of his wealth, suggesting that he may have acquired it through illegal means.

David Coltart, a human rights lawyer and former education minister, tweeted,

“Where did that US$700k come from? What does this man’s tax returns reveal? Will duty be paid on this car? Is this the best way to spend our Nation’s limited forex?”


Another Twitter user, Kudakwashe Manenji, wrote,

“You stole electricity money from Zesa, Zimbabweans are in the dark for long hours because of thieves like you, some take long to get operated in hospitals because of you. Don’t put God and your thievery in the same sentence please!!!”

Chenhamo Mutengure, another Twitter user, compared Chivayo’s extravagance to the failures of the country’s black elite, saying,

“The white Rhodesian created jobs, increase in tax revenue and the country progressed. The black elite just ain’t doing the same. They just consume the proceeds of state cannibalism.”


Award-winning journalist and anti-corruption activist Hopewell Chin’ono wrote,

“You are lucky that Zimbabwe’s opposition is not like EFF, and that Zimbabweans in general are not militant. You looted public money meant for electricity, you delivered nothing. Today Zimbabweans are sitting in the dark without electricity because of people like you, then you…”

Chivayo has not responded to the criticisms on social media, but his latest post has sparked a heated debate about corruption and wealth inequality in Zimbabwe.


The controversy surrounding Wicknell Chivayo’s purchase of a US$700,000 Rolls Royce Ghost highlights the growing frustration among Zimbabweans about corruption and economic inequality in the country. While some may view Chivayo’s extravagant lifestyle as a sign of success, others see it as a symptom of a broader problem in which a small elite benefits from the country’s resources at the expense of the majority.

The debate over Chivayo’s wealth and alleged corruption is likely to continue, with many Zimbabweans calling for greater transparency and accountability in the country’s governance. While it remains to be seen whether Chivayo will face any legal repercussions for his actions, his latest social media post has certainly drawn attention to the issue of corruption in Zimbabwe and the need for greater accountability.

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